
Useful information for any pregnant. Diseases pregnant wome , childbirth and development baby. A number of useful and advice for pregnant women. Birth child — well-being in family. It is necessary ready to the appearance of baby.

Mom can not know everything. She must be advisors. Recommend to necessary moment exact solution. Did the baby get sick? Appear difficulties with bearing? There are tasks for learning baby? At all problems will answer experts and experienced moms.
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To determine internal swelling is difficult enough, therefore, consequently, they influence the body for a long time, which threatens the normal fetus. Fluids are dangerous because they break blood circulation. Such picture leads to worsening feeding and the breath baby, created hypoxia.
Fighting such a pathology should be done with the help of correction feeding and special exercises so that water does not stay tissues. If the woman is resting, then under the feet better put a cushion or pillow to improve the blood circulation of tired legs. Prohibited long time to sit or stand, as this leads to stagnation in the body. It is recommended that the knee-elbow position several times a day in order to increase blood flow.
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Peels can help to escape from most age amendments of the skin cover. Procedures effective at any age, adapted for skin of any type. After superficial peeling disappear minor wrinkles, skin turns out young, smooth. Adaptation – three days. deeper peeling beautifully copes wrinkles (expression, old, smoothing minor scars, removes freckles.
Rehabilitation – 7 days. Deep peeling performing in the beauty hospitals. This is most effective operation, however requires long period adaptation – about four weeks.
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Seal armpit brings discomfort, aches. to Postpone trip doctor should not. Seal under the muscle cavity may become cancer illness. But most often it is consequences regular use antiperspirants with aluminum, non-compliance rules personal hygiene, intense sweating. Redness causes narrow clothing, contaminated razor, the infection.
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Discomfort under the arm, redness, lump becoming hot? This is the ulcer that should should, then drink medications. First treat lotions, antibacterial medicines. If the process is started, need surgical procedure.

Pokrasnenie armpit brings discomfort, pain when moving. To delay trip in the hospital cannot be. Lump under the muscle cavity may turn out to be cancer illness. But most often it is consequences frequent use deodorants, non-compliance rules personal hygiene, strong sweating. Redness triggers a close blouse, contaminated razor, the virus.
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Compaction under the arm, redness, lump getting warm? This is the ulcer that should cut, after that take medications. first stage cost lotions, anti-inflammatory medicines. If the process is started, shown surgical procedure.

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